q.java 源代码

package x4;

import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterators;
import com.google.common.io.ByteStreams;
import d5.j;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import o4.c;
import x4.g;
import x4.q;

public class q extends x4.o implements d5.j<x4.g> {

    private static final byte[] f27685g = {Byte.MAX_VALUE, 69, 76, 70};

    private static final byte[] f27686h = {111, 97, 116, 10};

    private final boolean f27687c;

    private final j f27688d;

    private final o4.h f27689e;

    private final p f27690f;

    public class a extends v5.a<x4.g> {

    class b extends v5.a<String> {

        class a implements Function<h, String> {
            a() {

            public String apply(h hVar) {
                return hVar.f27701a;

        b() {

        public Iterator<String> iterator() {
            return Iterators.s(Iterators.i(new d(q.this, null), new Predicate() {
                public final boolean apply(Object obj) {
                    return r.a((q.h) obj);
            }), new a());

        public int size() {
            return Iterators.q(Iterators.i(new d(q.this, null), new Predicate() {
                public final boolean apply(Object obj) {
                    return r.a((q.h) obj);

    public class c extends AbstractList<m> {

        final int f27693q;

        final int f27694r;

        final int f27695s;

        c(int i6, int i7, int i8) {
            this.f27693q = i6;
            this.f27694r = i7;
            this.f27695s = i8;

        public m get(int i6) {
            if (i6 >= 0 && i6 < this.f27693q) {
                if (q.this.f27687c) {
                    return new l(this.f27694r + (i6 * this.f27695s));
                return new k(this.f27694r + (i6 * this.f27695s));
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

        public int size() {
            return this.f27693q;

    public static class e extends RuntimeException {
        public e(String str) {

    public static class f extends RuntimeException {

    public class g extends x4.a {
        public g(byte[] bArr, int i6) {
            super(q.this.f27689e, bArr, i6);

        public boolean K() {
            return true;

    public class h implements j.a<x4.g> {

        public final String f27701a;

        public final byte[] f27702b;

        public final int f27703c;

        public h(String str, byte[] bArr, int i6) {
            this.f27701a = str;
            this.f27702b = bArr;
            this.f27703c = i6;

        public x4.g a() {
            if (x4.a.O(this.f27702b, this.f27703c)) {
                return new g(this.f27702b, this.f27703c);
            try {
                p5.b.c(this.f27702b, this.f27703c);
                return new i(this.f27702b, this.f27703c);
            } catch (g.l e6) {
                if (q.this.v() >= 87) {
                    throw new c.a(e6, "Could not locate the embedded dex file %s. Is the vdex file missing?", this.f27701a);
                throw new c.a(e6, "The embedded dex file %s does not appear to be a valid dex file.", this.f27701a);

        public String c() {
            return this.f27701a;

    public class i extends x4.g {
        public i(byte[] bArr, int i6) {
            super(q.this.f27689e, bArr, i6);

        public boolean K() {
            return true;

    public class j {

        private final int f27706a;

        private final int f27707b;

        public j(int i6) {
            this.f27706a = i6;
            if (f() >= 170) {
                this.f27707b = 56;
            if (f() >= 166) {
                this.f27707b = 64;
            if (f() >= 162) {
                this.f27707b = 68;
            } else if (f() >= 127) {
                this.f27707b = 76;
            } else {
                this.f27707b = 72;

        public int b() {
            return q.this.j(this.f27706a + 20);

        public int c() {
            int i6;
            int d6;
            if (f() >= 127) {
                i6 = this.f27706a;
                d6 = q.this.j(i6 + 24);
            } else {
                i6 = this.f27706a;
                d6 = d();
            return i6 + d6;

        public int d() {
            if (f() >= 56) {
                return this.f27707b + e();
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported oat version");

        public int e() {
            if (f() >= 56) {
                return q.this.j(this.f27706a + (this.f27707b - 4));
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported oat version");

        public int f() {
            return Integer.valueOf(new String(q.this.f27681a, this.f27706a + 4, 3)).intValue();

        public boolean g() {
            for (int i6 = 0; i6 < q.f27686h.length; i6++) {
                if (q.this.f27681a[this.f27706a + i6] != q.f27686h[i6]) {
                    return false;
            for (int i7 = 4; i7 < 7; i7++) {
                byte[] bArr = q.this.f27681a;
                int i8 = this.f27706a;
                if (bArr[i8 + i7] < 48 || bArr[i8 + i7] > 57) {
                    return false;
            if (q.this.f27681a[this.f27706a + 7] != 0) {
                return false;
            return true;

    public class k extends m {
        public k(int i6) {

        public long a() {
            return q.this.e(this.f27711a + 12) & 4294967295L;

        public int b() {
            return q.this.j(this.f27711a + 36);

        public int c() {
            return q.this.j(this.f27711a + 24);

        public int d() {
            return q.this.j(this.f27711a + 16);

        public int e() {
            return q.this.j(this.f27711a + 20);

    public class l extends m {
        public l(int i6) {

        public long a() {
            return q.this.f(this.f27711a + 16);

        public int b() {
            return q.this.g(this.f27711a + 56);

        public int c() {
            return q.this.j(this.f27711a + 40);

        public int d() {
            return q.this.g(this.f27711a + 24);

        public int e() {
            return q.this.g(this.f27711a + 32);

    public abstract class m {

        protected final int f27711a;

        public m(int i6) {
            this.f27711a = i6;

        public abstract long a();

        public abstract int b();

        public abstract int c();

        public abstract int d();

        public abstract int e();

        public int getType() {
            return q.this.e(this.f27711a + 4);

    private class n {

        private final int f27713a;

        private final int f27714b;

        public n(m mVar) {
            int d6 = mVar.d();
            this.f27713a = d6;
            int e6 = mVar.e();
            this.f27714b = e6;
            if (d6 + e6 <= q.this.f27681a.length) {
            } else {
                throw new e("String table extends past end of file");

        public String a(int i6) {
            if (i6 < this.f27714b) {
                int i7 = this.f27713a + i6;
                int i8 = i7;
                do {
                    byte[] bArr = q.this.f27681a;
                    if (bArr[i8] != 0) {
                    } else {
                        return new String(bArr, i7, i8 - i7, Charset.forName("US-ASCII"));
                } while (i8 < this.f27713a + this.f27714b);
                throw new e("String extends past end of string table");
            throw new e("String index is out of bounds");

    public class o {

        private final n f27716a;

        private final int f27717b;

        private final int f27718c;

        private final int f27719d;

        public class a extends AbstractList<d> {
            a() {

            public d get(int i6) {
                if (i6 >= 0 && i6 < o.this.f27718c) {
                    if (q.this.f27687c) {
                        o oVar = o.this;
                        return new c(oVar.f27717b + (i6 * o.this.f27719d));
                    o oVar2 = o.this;
                    return new b(oVar2.f27717b + (i6 * o.this.f27719d));
                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

            public int size() {
                return o.this.f27718c;

        public class b extends d {
            public b(int i6) {

            public String b() {
                return o.this.f27716a.a(q.this.j(this.f27724a));

            public int c() {
                return q.this.l(this.f27724a + 14);

            public long d() {
                return q.this.j(this.f27724a + 4);

        public class c extends d {
            public c(int i6) {

            public String b() {
                return o.this.f27716a.a(q.this.j(this.f27724a));

            public int c() {
                return q.this.l(this.f27724a + 6);

            public long d() {
                return q.this.f(this.f27724a + 8);

        public abstract class d {

            protected final int f27724a;

            public d(int i6) {
                this.f27724a = i6;

            public int a() {
                try {
                    m mVar = (m) q.this.w().get(c());
                    long a7 = mVar.a();
                    int d6 = mVar.d();
                    int e6 = mVar.e();
                    long d7 = d();
                    if (d7 >= a7 && d7 < e6 + a7) {
                        return (int) (d6 + (d() - a7));
                    throw new e("symbol address lies outside it's associated section");
                } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException unused) {
                    throw new e("Section index for symbol is out of bounds");

            public abstract String b();

            public abstract int c();

            public abstract long d();

        public o(m mVar) {
            try {
                this.f27716a = new n((m) q.this.w().get(mVar.c()));
                int d6 = mVar.d();
                this.f27717b = d6;
                int b6 = mVar.b();
                this.f27719d = b6;
                int e6 = mVar.e() / b6;
                this.f27718c = e6;
                if (d6 + (e6 * b6) <= q.this.f27681a.length) {
                } else {
                    throw new e("Symbol table extends past end of file");
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException unused) {
                throw new e("String table section index is invalid");

        public List<d> e() {
            return new a();

    public interface p {
        byte[] a();

    public q(byte[] bArr, p pVar) {
        j jVar;
        if (bArr.length >= 52) {
            byte b6 = bArr[4];
            if (b6 == 1) {
                this.f27687c = false;
            } else if (b6 == 2) {
                this.f27687c = true;
            } else {
                throw new e(String.format("Invalid word-size value: %x", Byte.valueOf(bArr[5])));
            Iterator<o.d> it = x().e().iterator();
            while (true) {
                if (it.hasNext()) {
                    o.d next = it.next();
                    if (next.b().equals("oatdata")) {
                        jVar = new j(next.a());
                } else {
                    jVar = null;
            if (jVar != null) {
                this.f27688d = jVar;
                if (jVar.g()) {
                    this.f27689e = o4.h.b(jVar.f());
                    this.f27690f = pVar;
                throw new e("Invalid oat magic value");
            throw new e("Oat file has no oatdata symbol");
        throw new f();

    public static q t(InputStream inputStream, p pVar) throws IOException {
        if (inputStream.markSupported()) {
            byte[] bArr = new byte[4];
            try {
                try {
                    ByteStreams.d(inputStream, bArr);
                    return new q(ByteStreams.i(inputStream), pVar);
                } catch (EOFException unused) {
                    throw new f();
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                throw th;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("InputStream must support mark");

    public List<m> w() {
        int j6;
        int l6;
        int l7;
        if (this.f27687c) {
            j6 = g(40);
            l6 = l(58);
            l7 = l(60);
        } else {
            j6 = j(32);
            l6 = l(46);
            l7 = l(48);
        if ((l6 * l7) + j6 <= this.f27681a.length) {
            return new c(l7, j6, l6);
        throw new e("The ELF section headers extend past the end of the file");

    private o x() {
        for (m mVar : w()) {
            if (mVar.getType() == 11) {
                return new o(mVar);
        throw new e("Oat file has no symbol table");

    private static void z(byte[] bArr) {
        int i6 = 0;
        while (true) {
            byte[] bArr2 = f27685g;
            if (i6 < bArr2.length) {
                if (bArr[i6] == bArr2[i6]) {
                } else {
                    throw new f();
            } else {

    public List<String> a() throws IOException {
        return new b();

    public h b(String str) throws IOException {
        d dVar = new d(this, null);
        while (dVar.hasNext()) {
            h next = dVar.next();
            if (next != null && next.c().equals(str)) {
                return next;
        return null;

    public int v() {
        return this.f27688d.f();

    public int y() {
        int v6 = v();
        if (v6 < 56) {
            return 0;
        if (v6 <= 178) {
            return 1;
        return 2;

    public class d implements Iterator<h> {

        int f27697q;

        int f27698r;

        private d() {
            this.f27697q = 0;
            this.f27698r = q.this.f27688d.c();

        public h next() {
            byte[] bArr;
            while (hasNext()) {
                int j6 = q.this.j(this.f27698r);
                int i6 = this.f27698r + 4;
                this.f27698r = i6;
                String str = new String(q.this.f27681a, i6, j6, Charset.forName("US-ASCII"));
                int i7 = this.f27698r + j6 + 4;
                this.f27698r = i7;
                int j7 = q.this.j(i7);
                this.f27698r += 4;
                if (q.this.v() >= 87 && q.this.f27690f != null && q.this.f27690f.a() != null) {
                    bArr = q.this.f27690f.a();
                } else {
                    q qVar = q.this;
                    byte[] bArr2 = qVar.f27681a;
                    j7 += qVar.f27688d.f27706a;
                    bArr = bArr2;
                if (q.this.v() >= 75) {
                    this.f27698r += 4;
                if (q.this.v() >= 73) {
                    this.f27698r += 4;
                if (q.this.v() >= 131) {
                    this.f27698r += 4;
                if (q.this.v() >= 127) {
                    this.f27698r += 4;
                if (q.this.v() >= 135) {
                    this.f27698r += 8;
                if (q.this.v() < 75) {
                    this.f27698r += q.this.j(j7 + 96) * 4;
                if (q.this.v() < 138 || j7 != 0) {
                    return new h(str, bArr, j7);
            return null;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            if (this.f27697q < q.this.f27688d.b()) {
                return true;
            return false;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        d(q qVar, a aVar) {