f.java 源代码

package q5;

import com.mbridge.msdk.playercommon.exoplayer2.extractor.ts.PsExtractor;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;

public class f extends BufferedOutputStream {

    private int f25749q;

    private byte[] f25750r;

    private byte[] f25751s;

    public f(OutputStream outputStream, int i6) {
        this(outputStream, i6, 262144);

    public static void l(OutputStream outputStream, int i6) throws IOException {
        outputStream.write(i6 >> 8);
        outputStream.write(i6 >> 16);
        outputStream.write(i6 >> 24);

    public static void r(OutputStream outputStream, int i6) throws IOException {
        if (i6 >= 0) {
            while (i6 > 63) {
                outputStream.write((i6 & 127) | 128);
                i6 >>>= 7;
            outputStream.write(i6 & 127);
        while (i6 < -64) {
            outputStream.write((i6 & 127) | 128);
            i6 >>= 7;
        outputStream.write(i6 & 127);

    public static void v(OutputStream outputStream, int i6) throws IOException {
        while ((i6 & 4294967295L) > 127) {
            outputStream.write((i6 & 127) | 128);
            i6 >>>= 7;

    public void d() throws IOException {
        int i6 = (-getPosition()) & 3;
        if (i6 > 0) {
            write(this.f25751s, 0, i6);

    public void e(int i6, double d6) throws IOException {
        o(i6, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d6));

    public void f(int i6, float f6) throws IOException {
        n(i6, Float.floatToRawIntBits(f6));

    public void g(int i6, int i7) throws IOException {
        int i8 = 0;
        if (i7 >= 0) {
            while (i7 > 127) {
                this.f25750r[i8] = (byte) i7;
                i7 >>= 8;
        } else {
            while (i7 < -128) {
                this.f25750r[i8] = (byte) i7;
                i7 >>= 8;
        int i9 = i8 + 1;
        this.f25750r[i8] = (byte) i7;
        j(i6, i9 - 1);
        write(this.f25750r, 0, i9);

    public int getPosition() {
        return this.f25749q;

    public void h(int i6, long j6) throws IOException {
        int i7 = 0;
        if (j6 >= 0) {
            while (j6 > 127) {
                this.f25750r[i7] = (byte) j6;
                j6 >>= 8;
        } else {
            while (j6 < -128) {
                this.f25750r[i7] = (byte) j6;
                j6 >>= 8;
        int i8 = i7 + 1;
        this.f25750r[i7] = (byte) j6;
        j(i6, i8 - 1);
        write(this.f25750r, 0, i8);

    public void i(int i6, int i7) throws IOException {
        int i8 = 0;
        while (true) {
            int i9 = i8 + 1;
            this.f25750r[i8] = (byte) i7;
            i7 >>>= 8;
            if (i7 == 0) {
                j(i6, i9 - 1);
                write(this.f25750r, 0, i9);
            i8 = i9;

    public void j(int i6, int i7) throws IOException {
        write(i6 | (i7 << 5));

    public void k(int i6) throws IOException {
        l(this, i6);

    public void m(long j6) throws IOException {
        k((int) j6);
        k((int) (j6 >> 32));

    protected void n(int i6, int i7) throws IOException {
        int i8 = 3;
        while (true) {
            int i9 = i8 - 1;
            this.f25750r[i8] = (byte) (((-16777216) & i7) >>> 24);
            i7 <<= 8;
            if (i7 == 0) {
                int i10 = i9 + 1;
                int i11 = 4 - i10;
                j(i6, i11 - 1);
                write(this.f25750r, i10, i11);
            i8 = i9;

    protected void o(int i6, long j6) throws IOException {
        int i7 = 7;
        while (true) {
            int i8 = i7 - 1;
            this.f25750r[i7] = (byte) (((-72057594037927936L) & j6) >>> 56);
            j6 <<= 8;
            if (j6 == 0) {
                int i9 = i8 + 1;
                int i10 = 8 - i9;
                j(i6, i10 - 1);
                write(this.f25750r, i9, i10);
            i7 = i8;

    public void p(int i6) throws IOException {
        if (i6 >= -32768 && i6 <= 32767) {
            write(i6 >> 8);
        throw new v5.g("Short value out of range: %d", Integer.valueOf(i6));

    public void q(int i6) throws IOException {
        r(this, i6);

    public void s(String str) throws IOException {
        int length = str.length();
        if (this.f25750r.length <= str.length() * 3) {
            this.f25750r = new byte[str.length() * 3];
        byte[] bArr = this.f25750r;
        int i6 = 0;
        for (int i7 = 0; i7 < length; i7++) {
            char charAt = str.charAt(i7);
            if (charAt != 0 && charAt < 128) {
                bArr[i6] = (byte) charAt;
            } else if (charAt < 2048) {
                int i8 = i6 + 1;
                bArr[i6] = (byte) (((charAt >> 6) & 31) | PsExtractor.AUDIO_STREAM);
                i6 = i8 + 1;
                bArr[i8] = (byte) ((charAt & '?') | 128);
            } else {
                int i9 = i6 + 1;
                bArr[i6] = (byte) (((charAt >> '\f') & 15) | 224);
                int i10 = i9 + 1;
                bArr[i9] = (byte) (((charAt >> 6) & 63) | 128);
                bArr[i10] = (byte) ((charAt & '?') | 128);
                i6 = i10 + 1;
        write(bArr, 0, i6);

    public void t(int i6) throws IOException {
        if (i6 >= 0 && i6 <= 255) {
        throw new v5.g("Unsigned byte value out of range: %d", Integer.valueOf(i6));

    public void u(int i6) throws IOException {
        v(this, i6);

    public void w(int i6) throws IOException {
        if (i6 >= 0 && i6 <= 65535) {
            write(i6 >> 8);
        throw new v5.g("Unsigned short value out of range: %d", Integer.valueOf(i6));

    public void write(int i6) throws IOException {

    public f(OutputStream outputStream, int i6, int i7) {
        super(outputStream, i7);
        this.f25750r = new byte[8];
        this.f25751s = new byte[3];
        this.f25749q = i6;

    public void write(byte[] bArr) throws IOException {
        write(bArr, 0, bArr.length);

    public void write(byte[] bArr, int i6, int i7) throws IOException {
        this.f25749q += i7;
        super.write(bArr, i6, i7);