b.java 源代码

package com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import com.anythink.core.common.c.e;
import com.anythink.expressad.foundation.f.a.f;
import com.mbridge.msdk.MBridgeConstans;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.db.e;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.db.g;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.entity.CampaignEx;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.entity.CampaignUnit;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.entity.j;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.tools.SameMD5;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.tools.l;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.tools.o;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.tools.q;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.tools.u;
import com.mbridge.msdk.nativex.view.MBMediaView;
import com.mbridge.msdk.out.Campaign;
import com.mbridge.msdk.out.Frame;
import com.mbridge.msdk.out.PreloadListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class b {

    private static final String f17703d = "b";

    private static Map<String, Map<Long, Object>> f17704e = new HashMap();

    private static Map<String, Boolean> f17705f = new HashMap();

    private static Map<String, j> f17706g = new HashMap();

    private static Map<String, Integer> f17707h = new HashMap();

    private static Map<String, Integer> f17708i = new HashMap();

    private static b f17709j = null;

    private static int f17710u = -1;

    private static int f17711v = -2;

    protected List<Integer> f17714c;

    private com.mbridge.msdk.b.c f17715k;

    private com.mbridge.msdk.click.a f17716l;

    private com.mbridge.msdk.b.d f17717m;

    private String f17718n;

    private Handler f17719o;

    private Map<String, Object> f17721q;

    private List<Integer> f17722r;

    private List<Integer> f17723s;

    private boolean f17724t;

    private boolean f17725w;

    private int f17726x;

    private int f17727y;

    Queue<Integer> f17712a = null;

    Queue<Long> f17713b = null;

    private int f17720p = 0;

    private com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.b f17728z = new com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.b(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().g());

    public class a extends com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.e.a.b implements com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.c {

        private int f17731b;

        private int f17732c;

        private int f17733g;

        private int f17734h;

        private int f17735i;

        private Runnable f17738l;

        private com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a f17740n;

        private List<String> f17736j = null;

        private boolean f17737k = false;

        private boolean f17739m = true;

        public a(int i6) {
            this.f17731b = i6;

        public final void b(boolean z6) {
            this.f17739m = z6;

        public final void c(int i6) {
            this.f17735i = i6;

        public final void d(int i6) {
            this.f17733g = i6;

        public final void e(int i6) {
            this.f17734h = i6;

        public final void f(int i6) {
            this.f17732c = i6;

        public final void a(List<String> list) {
            this.f17736j = list;

        public final void b(final List<Frame> list) {
            b.this.a(new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    boolean z6;
                    if (MBridgeConstans.PRELOAD_RESULT_IN_SUBTHREAD && Looper.myLooper() == null) {
                        z6 = true;
                    } else {
                        z6 = false;
                    if (!a.this.f17737k && a.this.f17738l != null) {
                    List list2 = list;
                    if (list2 != null && list2.size() > 0) {
                        Iterator it = list.iterator();
                        while (it.hasNext()) {
                            for (CampaignEx campaignEx : ((Frame) it.next()).getCampaigns()) {
                                b bVar = b.this;
                                bVar.a(bVar.f17724t, campaignEx);
                        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                        hashMap.put(Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), list);
                        if (b.f17704e.containsKey("1_" + a.this.f17005d)) {
                            b.f17704e.remove("1_" + a.this.f17005d);
                        b.f17704e.put("1_" + a.this.f17005d, hashMap);
                    if (Looper.myLooper() != null && z6) {

        public final void a(com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a aVar) {
            this.f17740n = aVar;

        public final void a(boolean z6) {
            this.f17737k = z6;

        public final void a(List<com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.c.b> list, final CampaignUnit campaignUnit) {
            b.this.f17725w = true;
            b.this.a(true, this.f17740n, (String) null);
            b.this.a(new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    boolean z6;
                    int i6 = 1;
                    if (MBridgeConstans.PRELOAD_RESULT_IN_SUBTHREAD && Looper.myLooper() == null) {
                        z6 = true;
                    } else {
                        z6 = false;
                    if (a.this.f17738l != null) {
                    if (b.f17704e.containsKey("0_" + a.this.f17005d)) {
                        b.f17704e.remove("0_" + a.this.f17005d);
                    if (a.this.f17735i > 0) {
                        if (campaignUnit.ads.size() <= a.this.f17735i) {
                            a.this.f17732c = campaignUnit.ads.size();
                        } else {
                            a aVar = a.this;
                            aVar.f17732c = aVar.f17735i;
                    } else if (a.this.f17735i == -1) {
                        a.this.f17732c = 0;
                    } else if (a.this.f17735i == -3) {
                        a.this.f17732c = campaignUnit.ads.size();
                    } else if (a.this.f17735i == -2) {
                        if (campaignUnit.getTemplate() == 3) {
                            if (a.this.f17734h != 0) {
                                a aVar2 = a.this;
                                aVar2.f17732c = aVar2.f17734h;
                        } else if (a.this.f17733g != 0) {
                            a aVar3 = a.this;
                            aVar3.f17732c = aVar3.f17733g;
                        if (a.this.f17732c <= 0) {
                            a.this.f17732c = ((Integer) b.f17707h.get(a.this.f17005d)).intValue();
                    if (campaignUnit.ads.size() < a.this.f17732c) {
                        a.this.f17732c = campaignUnit.ads.size();
                    ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                    ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
                    for (int i7 = 0; i7 < campaignUnit.ads.size(); i7++) {
                        CampaignEx campaignEx = campaignUnit.ads.get(i7);
                        if (arrayList.size() < a.this.f17732c && campaignEx.getOfferType() != 99) {
                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getVideoUrlEncode())) {
                        b bVar = b.this;
                        bVar.a(bVar.f17724t, campaignEx);
                    a aVar4 = a.this;
                    b.a(b.this, arrayList2, aVar4.f17005d);
                    if (campaignUnit.getAds().get(0) != null) {
                        i6 = campaignUnit.getAds().get(0).getType();
                    com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.b<String, List<Campaign>> a7 = com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.c.a(i6);
                    if (a7 != null) {
                        a7.a((com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.b<String, List<Campaign>>) a.this.f17005d, (String) arrayList);
                    b.a(a.this.f17731b, a.this.f17005d);
                    if (Looper.myLooper() != null && z6) {
                    if (campaignUnit.getAds().get(0) != null) {
                        com.mbridge.msdk.click.b.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().g(), campaignUnit.getAds().get(0).getMaitve(), campaignUnit.getAds().get(0).getMaitve_src());

        public final void a(final int i6, final String str) {
            b.this.a(new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public final void run() {
                    boolean z6;
                    if (MBridgeConstans.PRELOAD_RESULT_IN_SUBTHREAD && Looper.myLooper() == null) {
                        z6 = true;
                    } else {
                        z6 = false;
                    if (!a.this.f17737k) {
                        if (a.this.f17738l != null) {
                        if (a.this.g() == 1 || a.this.f17739m) {
                            a aVar = a.this;
                            b bVar = b.this;
                            String str2 = str;
                            int g6 = aVar.g();
                            a aVar2 = a.this;
                            bVar.a(str2, g6, aVar2.f17005d, aVar2.f17006e, aVar2.f17740n);
                    } else if (a.this.f17739m) {
                        a aVar3 = a.this;
                        b bVar2 = b.this;
                        String str3 = str;
                        int g7 = aVar3.g();
                        a aVar4 = a.this;
                        bVar2.a(str3, g7, aVar4.f17005d, aVar4.f17006e, aVar4.f17740n);
                    if (i6 == -1) {
                        b.b(a.this.f17731b, a.this.f17005d);
                    if (Looper.myLooper() != null && z6) {

        public final void a(Runnable runnable) {
            this.f17738l = runnable;

    public class RunnableC0218b implements Runnable {

        private int f17749b;

        private com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.c f17750c;

        private int f17751d;

        private String f17752e;

        private String f17753f;

        private com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a f17754g;

        private boolean f17755h = false;

        public RunnableC0218b(int i6, com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.c cVar, int i7, String str, String str2) {
            this.f17749b = i6;
            this.f17750c = cVar;
            this.f17751d = i7;
            this.f17752e = str;
            this.f17753f = str2;

        public final void a(boolean z6) {
            this.f17755h = z6;

        public final void run() {
            int i6 = this.f17749b;
            if (i6 != 1) {
                if (i6 == 2) {
                    b.this.a("REQUEST_TIMEOUT", this.f17751d, this.f17752e, this.f17753f, this.f17754g);
            } else {
                b.this.f17725w = true;
                if (this.f17755h || this.f17751d == 1) {
                    b.this.a("REQUEST_TIMEOUT", this.f17751d, this.f17752e, this.f17753f, this.f17754g);

        public final void a(com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a aVar) {
            this.f17754g = aVar;

        public final void a(String str) {
            this.f17752e = str;

    public b() {
        if (Looper.myLooper() == null) {
        this.f17719o = new Handler() {
            public final void handleMessage(Message message) {

    public static Map<String, j> c() {
        return f17706g;

    public static Map<String, Integer> d() {
        return f17707h;

    public static Map<String, Integer> e() {
        return f17708i;

    static void a(b bVar, List list, String str) {
        if (list != null) {
            try {
                if (list.size() > 0) {
                    try {
                        String str2 = MBMediaView.TAG;
                        Object invoke = com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.c.class.getMethod("getInstance", new Class[0]).invoke(null, new Object[0]);
                        if (invoke != null) {
                            com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.c.class.getMethod("createUnitCache", Context.class, String.class, List.class, Integer.TYPE, com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.listener.a.class).invoke(invoke, com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().g(), str, list, 1, null);
                            com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.c.class.getMethod("load", String.class).invoke(invoke, str);
                    } catch (Exception unused) {
                        q.d(f17703d, "please import the videocommon aar");
            } catch (Exception e6) {
                q.d(f17703d, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e6));

    public static void b(int i6, String str) {
        if (f17706g.containsKey(str)) {
            j jVar = f17706g.get(str);
            if (i6 == 1) {
            } else if (i6 == 2) {
            f17706g.put(str, jVar);

    public static Map<String, Boolean> b() {
        return f17705f;

    public final void a(Map<String, Object> map, int i6) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        List<Integer> list;
        com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a aVar;
        com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a aVar2;
        String str4;
        String str5;
        com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.b<String, List<Campaign>> a7;
        com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a aVar3;
        com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.b<String, List<Campaign>> a8;
        List<Campaign> b6;
        Object obj;
        try {
            this.f17721q = map;
            this.f17725w = false;
            if (!map.containsKey("unit_id")) {
            String str6 = (String) map.get("unit_id");
            if (f17704e.containsKey(((i6 + 1) % 2) + "_" + str6)) {
                if (!f17704e.containsKey(i6 + "_" + str6)) {
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str6)) {
            if (map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.PREIMAGE)) {
                this.f17724t = ((Boolean) map.get(MBridgeConstans.PREIMAGE)).booleanValue();
            com.mbridge.msdk.click.a aVar4 = this.f17716l;
            if (aVar4 == null) {
                this.f17716l = new com.mbridge.msdk.click.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().g(), str6);
            } else {
            if (map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.PROPERTIES_AD_FRAME_NUM)) {
                this.f17720p = ((Integer) map.get(MBridgeConstans.PROPERTIES_AD_FRAME_NUM)).intValue();
            if (map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.PROPERTIES_API_REUQEST_CATEGORY)) {
                this.f17718n = (String) map.get(MBridgeConstans.PROPERTIES_API_REUQEST_CATEGORY);
            if (f17705f.containsKey(str6) && f17705f.get(str6).booleanValue()) {
                Map<String, Map<Long, Object>> map2 = f17704e;
                Map<Long, Object> map3 = map2.get(i6 + "_" + str6);
                com.mbridge.msdk.b.a b7 = com.mbridge.msdk.b.b.a().b(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().h());
                if (map3 != null && map3.size() > 0) {
                    Long next = map3.keySet().iterator().next();
                    long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    if (b7 == null) {
                        b7 = com.mbridge.msdk.b.b.a().b();
                    if (currentTimeMillis - next.longValue() >= b7.B() * 1000) {
                    } else if (i6 == 1) {
            f17705f.put(str6, Boolean.TRUE);
            this.f17727y = 1;
            try {
                if (map.containsKey("ad_num")) {
                    int intValue = ((Integer) map.get("ad_num")).intValue();
                    this.f17727y = intValue;
                    if (intValue < 1) {
                        this.f17727y = 1;
                    if (this.f17727y > 10) {
                        this.f17727y = 10;
            } catch (Exception unused) {
                q.d(f17703d, "ADNUM MUST BE INTEGER");
            f17707h.put(str6, Integer.valueOf(this.f17727y));
            com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a aVar5 = (!map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.PRELOAD_RESULT_LISTENER) || (obj = map.get(MBridgeConstans.PRELOAD_RESULT_LISTENER)) == null) ? null : new com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a((PreloadListener) obj);
            if (map.containsKey("app_id") && map.containsKey("app_key") && map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD)) {
                str2 = (String) map.get("app_id");
                str = (String) map.get("app_key");
            } else {
                str = null;
                str2 = null;
            if (this.f17715k == null) {
                this.f17715k = new com.mbridge.msdk.b.c();
            this.f17715k.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().g(), str2, str, str6);
            com.mbridge.msdk.b.d e6 = com.mbridge.msdk.b.b.a().e(str2, str6);
            this.f17717m = e6;
            if (e6 == null) {
                this.f17717m = com.mbridge.msdk.b.d.d(str6);
            if (map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.PLACEMENT_ID) && map.get(MBridgeConstans.PLACEMENT_ID) != null) {
                String str7 = (String) map.get(MBridgeConstans.PLACEMENT_ID);
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str7)) {
                    str3 = str7;
                    this.f17722r = this.f17717m.q();
                    this.f17714c = this.f17717m.r();
                    this.f17723s = this.f17717m.r();
                    list = this.f17722r;
                    if (list != null || list.size() <= 0) {
                        aVar = aVar5;
                        if (aVar == null) {
                            aVar.onPreloadFaild("don't have sorceList");
                    this.f17712a = new LinkedList();
                    Iterator<Integer> it = this.f17722r.iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                    List<Integer> list2 = this.f17723s;
                    if (list2 != null && list2.size() > 0) {
                        this.f17713b = new LinkedList();
                        Iterator<Integer> it2 = this.f17723s.iterator();
                        while (it2.hasNext()) {
                            this.f17713b.add(Long.valueOf(it2.next().intValue() * 1000));
                    try {
                        if (this.f17722r.contains(1) && i6 == 0) {
                            try {
                                aVar3 = aVar5;
                                str4 = "";
                                str5 = str6;
                                try {
                                    a(1, this.f17714c.get(this.f17722r.indexOf(1)).intValue() * 1000, i6, this.f17717m, str6, str3, aVar3, false);
                                    a8 = com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.c.a(1);
                                } catch (Exception unused2) {
                            } catch (Exception unused3) {
                            if (a8 != null && (b6 = a8.b(str5, 0)) != null) {
                                if (b6.size() > 0) {
                                    aVar2 = aVar3;
                                    try {
                                        a(true, aVar2, (String) null);
                                    } catch (Exception unused4) {
                                    a(i6, this.f17717m, str5, str3, aVar2);
                                    com.mbridge.msdk.b.d dVar = this.f17717m;
                                    f17708i.put(str5, Integer.valueOf(dVar != null ? dVar.u() * this.f17727y : 1));
                                    String str8 = MBMediaView.TAG;
                                    c.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().g(), str5);
                                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str5)) {
                                    int a9 = a(map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO) ? (String) map.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO) : null);
                                    if (a9 <= 0) {
                                        a9 = this.f17727y;
                                    com.mbridge.msdk.b.d e7 = com.mbridge.msdk.b.b.a().e(str4, str5);
                                    this.f17717m = e7;
                                    if (e7 == null) {
                                        this.f17717m = com.mbridge.msdk.b.d.d(str5);
                                    List<Integer> q6 = this.f17717m.q();
                                    this.f17722r = q6;
                                    List<Campaign> b8 = (q6 == null || q6.size() <= 0 || !this.f17722r.contains(1) || (a7 = com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.c.a(1)) == null) ? null : a7.b(str5, a9);
                                    if (b8 != null) {
                                        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                                        for (int i7 = 0; i7 < b8.size(); i7++) {
                                            CampaignEx campaignEx = (CampaignEx) b8.get(i7);
                                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getVideoUrlEncode())) {
                                        if (arrayList.size() > 0) {
                                            Object invoke = com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.c.class.getMethod("getInstance", new Class[0]).invoke(null, new Object[0]);
                                            com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.c.class.getMethod("createUnitCache", Context.class, String.class, List.class, Integer.TYPE, com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.listener.a.class).invoke(invoke, com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().g(), str5, arrayList, 1, null);
                                            com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.c.class.getMethod("load", String.class).invoke(invoke, str5);
                            aVar2 = aVar3;
                            a(i6, this.f17717m, str5, str3, aVar2);
                            com.mbridge.msdk.b.d dVar2 = this.f17717m;
                            f17708i.put(str5, Integer.valueOf(dVar2 != null ? dVar2.u() * this.f17727y : 1));
                            String str82 = MBMediaView.TAG;
                            c.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().g(), str5);
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str5)) {
                        String str822 = MBMediaView.TAG;
                        c.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().g(), str5);
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str5)) {
                    } catch (Throwable unused5) {
                        q.d(f17703d, "init cam cache failed");
                    aVar2 = aVar5;
                    str4 = "";
                    str5 = str6;
                    a(i6, this.f17717m, str5, str3, aVar2);
                    com.mbridge.msdk.b.d dVar22 = this.f17717m;
                    f17708i.put(str5, Integer.valueOf(dVar22 != null ? dVar22.u() * this.f17727y : 1));
            str3 = "";
            this.f17722r = this.f17717m.q();
            this.f17714c = this.f17717m.r();
            this.f17723s = this.f17717m.r();
            list = this.f17722r;
            if (list != null) {
            aVar = aVar5;
            if (aVar == null) {
        } catch (Exception e8) {
            q.d(f17703d, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e8));

    private int a(String str) {
        if (str == null) {
            return 0;
        try {
            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str);
            if (jSONArray.length() > 0) {
                for (int i6 = 0; i6 < jSONArray.length(); i6++) {
                    JSONObject jSONObject = (JSONObject) jSONArray.opt(i6);
                    if (2 == jSONObject.optInt("id", 0)) {
                        return jSONObject.optInt("ad_num");
        } catch (Exception e6) {
            q.d(f17703d, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e6));
        return 0;

    private void a(int i6, com.mbridge.msdk.b.d dVar, String str, String str2, com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a aVar) {
        Queue<Integer> queue = this.f17712a;
        if (queue == null || queue.size() <= 0) {
        try {
            int intValue = this.f17712a.poll().intValue();
            long j6 = MBridgeConstans.REQUEST_TIME_OUT;
            Queue<Long> queue2 = this.f17713b;
            if (queue2 != null && queue2.size() > 0) {
                j6 = this.f17713b.poll().longValue();
            q.b(f17703d, "preload start queue adsource = " + intValue);
            a(intValue, j6, str, str2, this.f17721q, i6, dVar, aVar);
        } catch (Throwable unused) {
            q.d(f17703d, "queue poll exception");

    private void a(int i6, long j6, String str, String str2, Map<String, Object> map, int i7, com.mbridge.msdk.b.d dVar, com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a aVar) {
        com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.b<String, List<Campaign>> a7;
        if (i6 != 1 && (a7 = com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.c.a(i6)) != null) {
            List<Campaign> b6 = a7.b(str, this.f17727y);
            if (b6 != null && b6.size() > 0) {
                a(true, aVar, (String) null);
        if (i6 == 1) {
            a(i6, j6, i7, dVar, str, str2, aVar, true);
        } else if (i6 != 2) {
            a(i6, j6, i7, dVar, str, str2, aVar, false);
        } else {
            a(2, j6, i7, dVar, str, str2, aVar, false);

    private void a(int i6, long j6, int i7, com.mbridge.msdk.b.d dVar, String str, String str2, com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a aVar, boolean z6) {
        int i8;
        int i9;
        int i10;
        int i11;
        int i12;
        String a7;
        a aVar2;
        j jVar;
        String str3;
        int i13;
        String str4;
        List<Campaign> b6;
        List<Campaign> b7;
        try {
            int o6 = this.f17717m.o();
            int p6 = this.f17717m.p();
            com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.e.a.a aVar3 = new com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.e.a.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().g());
            com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.h.d dVar2 = new com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.h.d();
            String h6 = com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().h();
            String i14 = com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().i();
            Map<String, Object> map = this.f17721q;
            if (map != null && map.containsKey("app_id") && this.f17721q.containsKey("app_key") && this.f17721q.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD) && this.f17721q.get(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD) != null) {
                if (this.f17721q.get("app_id") instanceof String) {
                    h6 = (String) this.f17721q.get("app_id");
                if (this.f17721q.get("app_key") instanceof String) {
                    i14 = (String) this.f17721q.get("app_key");
                String str5 = this.f17721q.get(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD) instanceof String ? (String) this.f17721q.get(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD) : null;
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str5)) {
                    dVar2.a("smart", l.a(str5));
            String str6 = h6;
            String str7 = i14;
            dVar2.a("app_id", str6);
            dVar2.a("unit_id", str);
            dVar2.a(e.a.f1876c, "1");
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.f17718n)) {
                dVar2.a("category", this.f17718n);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                dVar2.a(MBridgeConstans.PLACEMENT_ID, str2);
            dVar2.a(com.anythink.core.common.g.c.T, SameMD5.getMD5(str6 + str7));
            dVar2.a("only_impression", "1");
            String e6 = u.e(str);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(e6)) {
                dVar2.a("j", e6);
            int intValue = f17707h.get(str).intValue();
            if (o6 != f17710u && o6 != 0 && intValue != 0) {
                if (i7 == 0) {
                    com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.b<String, List<Campaign>> a8 = com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.c.a(i6);
                    if (z6) {
                        if (a8 != null && (b7 = a8.b(str, intValue)) != null && b7.size() > 0) {
                            a(true, aVar, (String) null);
                        } else {
                            if (this.f17725w) {
                                a("", i7, str, str2, aVar);
                    if (i6 != 1 && a8 != null && (b6 = a8.b(str, intValue)) != null && b6.size() > 0) {
                        a(true, aVar, (String) null);
                if (intValue != 0) {
                    dVar2.a("ad_num", intValue + "");
                if (this.f17720p != 0) {
                    dVar2.a("frame_num", this.f17720p + "");
                if (this.f17721q.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO)) {
                    String str8 = (String) this.f17721q.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO);
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str8)) {
                        i8 = intValue;
                        i9 = 0;
                        i10 = 0;
                    } else {
                        q.d(f17703d, "nativeinfo" + str8);
                        try {
                            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str8);
                            if (jSONArray.length() > 0) {
                                str3 = str8;
                                int i15 = 0;
                                i10 = 0;
                                i13 = 0;
                                while (i15 < jSONArray.length()) {
                                    try {
                                        JSONObject jSONObject = (JSONObject) jSONArray.opt(i15);
                                        int i16 = i10;
                                        i8 = intValue;
                                        try {
                                            int optInt = jSONObject.optInt("id", 0);
                                            if (2 == optInt) {
                                                i10 = jSONObject.optInt("ad_num");
                                                if (o6 > 0) {
                                                    try {
                                                        jSONObject.put("ad_num", o6);
                                                    } catch (JSONException e7) {
                                                        e = e7;
                                                        q.d(f17703d, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e));
                                                        i9 = i13;
                                                        str4 = str3;
                                                        dVar2.a(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO, str4);
                                                        o6 = i8;
                                                        dVar2.a("ad_num", o6 + "");
                                                        dVar2.a("ping_mode", "1");
                                                        if (com.mbridge.msdk.b.b.a().b(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().h()) == null) {
                                                        if (!NativeController.a(this.f17721q)) {
                                                        if (f17706g.containsKey(str)) {
                                                        i11 = 0;
                                                        if (this.f17721q.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO)) {
                                                        if (i6 == i12) {
                                                        dVar2.a("offset", i11 + "");
                                                        dVar2.a("ad_type", "42");
                                                        dVar2.a("ad_source_id", i6 + "");
                                                        a7 = com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.a.d.a(str, f.f3691a);
                                                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(a7)) {
                                                        if (this.f17721q.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_WIDTH)) {
                                                        if (this.f17721q.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_HEIGHT)) {
                                                        dVar2.a("video_version", MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_VERSION);
                                                        aVar2 = new a(i6);
                                                        aVar2.f17005d = str;
                                                        aVar2.f17006e = str2;
                                                        aVar2.f17007f = 42;
                                                        if (i6 == 1) {
                                                        RunnableC0218b runnableC0218b = new RunnableC0218b(1, aVar2, i7, str, str2);
                                                        if (i7 != 0) {
                                                        this.f17719o.postDelayed(runnableC0218b, j6);
                                                } else {
                                            } else {
                                                if (3 == optInt) {
                                                    i13 = jSONObject.optInt("ad_num");
                                                    if (o6 > 0) {
                                                        jSONObject.put("ad_num", o6);
                                                i10 = i16;
                                            intValue = i8;
                                        } catch (JSONException e8) {
                                            e = e8;
                                            i10 = i16;
                                    } catch (JSONException e9) {
                                        e = e9;
                                        i8 = intValue;
                                i8 = intValue;
                                i9 = i13;
                            } else {
                                i8 = intValue;
                                str3 = str8;
                                i9 = 0;
                                i10 = 0;
                            try {
                                this.f17726x = Math.max(i10, i9);
                                str4 = jSONArray.toString();
                            } catch (JSONException e10) {
                                e = e10;
                                i13 = i9;
                                q.d(f17703d, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e));
                                i9 = i13;
                                str4 = str3;
                                dVar2.a(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO, str4);
                                o6 = i8;
                                dVar2.a("ad_num", o6 + "");
                                dVar2.a("ping_mode", "1");
                                if (com.mbridge.msdk.b.b.a().b(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().h()) == null) {
                                if (!NativeController.a(this.f17721q)) {
                                if (f17706g.containsKey(str)) {
                                i11 = 0;
                                if (this.f17721q.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO)) {
                                if (i6 == i12) {
                                dVar2.a("offset", i11 + "");
                                dVar2.a("ad_type", "42");
                                dVar2.a("ad_source_id", i6 + "");
                                a7 = com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.a.d.a(str, f.f3691a);
                                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(a7)) {
                                if (this.f17721q.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_WIDTH)) {
                                if (this.f17721q.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_HEIGHT)) {
                                dVar2.a("video_version", MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_VERSION);
                                aVar2 = new a(i6);
                                aVar2.f17005d = str;
                                aVar2.f17006e = str2;
                                aVar2.f17007f = 42;
                                if (i6 == 1) {
                                RunnableC0218b runnableC0218b2 = new RunnableC0218b(1, aVar2, i7, str, str2);
                                if (i7 != 0) {
                                this.f17719o.postDelayed(runnableC0218b2, j6);
                        } catch (JSONException e11) {
                            e = e11;
                            i8 = intValue;
                            str3 = str8;
                            i10 = 0;
                            i13 = 0;
                        dVar2.a(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO, str4);
                    o6 = i8;
                } else {
                    i8 = intValue;
                    if (o6 == f17711v || o6 == 0) {
                        o6 = i8;
                    i9 = 0;
                    i10 = 0;
                dVar2.a("ad_num", o6 + "");
                dVar2.a("ping_mode", "1");
                if (com.mbridge.msdk.b.b.a().b(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().h()) == null) {
                if (!NativeController.a(this.f17721q)) {
                    JSONArray a9 = u.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().g(), str);
                    if (a9.length() > 0) {
                        dVar2.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.h.d.f17062c, u.a(a9));
                if (f17706g.containsKey(str) || (jVar = f17706g.get(str)) == null) {
                    i11 = 0;
                } else if (i6 == 1) {
                    i11 = jVar.b();
                } else if (i6 != 2) {
                    i11 = jVar.b();
                } else {
                    i11 = jVar.a();
                if (this.f17721q.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO)) {
                    i12 = 1;
                    if (i6 == 1) {
                        dVar2.a("tnum", this.f17726x + "");
                        dVar2.a("offset", i11 + "");
                        dVar2.a("ad_type", "42");
                        dVar2.a("ad_source_id", i6 + "");
                        a7 = com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.a.d.a(str, f.f3691a);
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(a7)) {
                            dVar2.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.h.d.f17061b, a7);
                        if (this.f17721q.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_WIDTH) && (this.f17721q.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_WIDTH) instanceof Integer)) {
                            dVar2.a("video_width", ((Integer) this.f17721q.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_WIDTH)).intValue() + "");
                        if (this.f17721q.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_HEIGHT) && (this.f17721q.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_HEIGHT) instanceof Integer)) {
                            dVar2.a("video_height", ((Integer) this.f17721q.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_HEIGHT)).intValue() + "");
                        dVar2.a("video_version", MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_VERSION);
                        aVar2 = new a(i6);
                        aVar2.f17005d = str;
                        aVar2.f17006e = str2;
                        aVar2.f17007f = 42;
                        if (i6 == 1 || z6) {
                        RunnableC0218b runnableC0218b22 = new RunnableC0218b(1, aVar2, i7, str, str2);
                        if (i7 != 0) {
                            if (com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.g.d.c().b()) {
                                aVar3.b(1, com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.g.d.c().f17034h, dVar2, aVar2);
                            } else {
                                aVar3.a(1, com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.g.d.c().f17032f, dVar2, aVar2);
                        } else if (i7 == 1) {
                            aVar3.a(1, com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.g.d.c().f17033g, dVar2, aVar2);
                        this.f17719o.postDelayed(runnableC0218b22, j6);
                } else {
                    i12 = 1;
                if (i6 == i12) {
                    dVar2.a("tnum", this.f17727y + "");
                dVar2.a("offset", i11 + "");
                dVar2.a("ad_type", "42");
                dVar2.a("ad_source_id", i6 + "");
                a7 = com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.a.d.a(str, f.f3691a);
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(a7)) {
                if (this.f17721q.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_WIDTH)) {
                    dVar2.a("video_width", ((Integer) this.f17721q.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_WIDTH)).intValue() + "");
                if (this.f17721q.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_HEIGHT)) {
                    dVar2.a("video_height", ((Integer) this.f17721q.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_HEIGHT)).intValue() + "");
                dVar2.a("video_version", MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_VERSION);
                aVar2 = new a(i6);
                aVar2.f17005d = str;
                aVar2.f17006e = str2;
                aVar2.f17007f = 42;
                if (i6 == 1) {
                RunnableC0218b runnableC0218b222 = new RunnableC0218b(1, aVar2, i7, str, str2);
                if (i7 != 0) {
                this.f17719o.postDelayed(runnableC0218b222, j6);
            a("The request was refused", i7, str, str2, aVar);
        } catch (Exception e12) {
            String str9 = f17703d;
            q.d(str9, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e12));
            q.d(str9, e12.getMessage());

    public static void a(int i6, String str) {
        j jVar;
        if (f17706g.containsKey(str)) {
            jVar = f17706g.get(str);
        } else {
            jVar = new j();
        int intValue = f17707h.get(str).intValue();
        int intValue2 = f17708i.containsKey(str) ? f17708i.get(str).intValue() : 1;
        if (i6 == 1) {
            int b6 = intValue + jVar.b();
            jVar.b(b6 <= intValue2 ? b6 : 0);
        } else if (i6 == 2) {
            int a7 = intValue + jVar.a();
            jVar.a(a7 <= intValue2 ? a7 : 0);
        f17706g.put(str, jVar);

    public final void a(String str, int i6, String str2, String str3, com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a aVar) {
        Log.e(f17703d, str);
        try {
            Queue<Integer> queue = this.f17712a;
            if ((queue != null && queue.size() <= 0) || this.f17712a == null) {
                a(false, aVar, str);
            } else {
                a(i6, this.f17717m, str2, str3, aVar);
        } catch (Exception e6) {
            if (MBridgeConstans.DEBUG) {

    public static Map<String, Map<Long, Object>> a() {
        return f17704e;

    public final void a(boolean z6, com.mbridge.msdk.a.a.a aVar, String str) {
        if (z6) {
            if (aVar == null || aVar.a()) {
        if (aVar == null || aVar.a()) {

    public final void a(boolean z6, Campaign campaign) {
        if (campaign == null) {
        if (z6 && campaign.getIconDrawable() == null) {
        if (z6 && campaign.getBigDrawable() == null) {

    public final void a(Thread thread) {
        if (!MBridgeConstans.PRELOAD_RESULT_IN_SUBTHREAD) {
        } else {